Thursday, November 11, 2010

All appropriate areas are really taken?

Go to domain forum and comments on how to read all the good domains are already taken. This is a great myth that exists for a long time. Digging into the archives and you'll see the same messages 10 or even twelve years. The fact is that there are many good domains which are not registered, or it has expired and are still available.

Domain test

Up to and including April 2009 could anyone test domain names. In short, this means the purchase of a domain and take advantage of a few days for a refund if it has not had all kinds of trafic.Cette method could professionals taste of tens of thousands of domains each jour.Cependant in April of 2009, the rules have changed and now only a small fraction of any domains can be returned for a refund.It is certainly possible to taste domains today the percentage of the sampled areas is much lower that it was in the past few years.This makes it an excellent time to find areas that the potential keywords that aren't his first sampled and returned money or traffic.

New keywords

There are ten years ago no one knew what would be popular today in terms of technology, in the news, celebrities, trends, etc... Every day new keywords became popular and the fields that are associated with these expressions can be very often are always disponibles.Si you see sites such as Google Trends is possible to obtain one in a new keyword term and locked for other areas.

Expired domains

Since the amount of domain tasting has dropped is now a good time to resolve names that have been previously developed and can still traffic.If you are researching areas has expired, you will find thousands of all day as backlinks, PageRank, Alexa traffic ratings and even valuable keywords.the pool areas ignored is great, even with a fierce competition, you are still money every day names.

Debunked the myth that all the good domains are already registered.all you need is someone willing to conduct research and take a chance to make money in the short or long term to find names.determine how many domains you can enable recording, using some free tools online and give it a try.You will be surprised though areas how many are there yet.

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